How to Enlarge Your Penis with a Vacuum Pump

Penis enlargement with a vacuum pump

There are quite a few men who are not satisfied with the size or shape of their penis. In addition, erratic erection worries every third. For this problem, there is an effective solution - a vacuum pump. In the article we will tell you how to use a vacuum pump correctly, how to choose it correctly and what techniques are available for penis enlargement.

Is it possible to upgrade a member with pomp

An erection pump is a device to increase blood and lymph flow to the penis using a vacuum.. This device consists of a flask (cylinder) and a pressure regulator. The procedure for "pumping" a member is calledpumping. Similar devices are also used by official medicine for LOD therapy. It helps stimulate blood and lymph flow and improves erection. With frequent exposure, the cavernous body stretches and stores more blood, the penis becomes larger, so penis enlargement with a vacuum pump is possible.

Principle of operation of vacuum penis enlargement

How the pump works:the penis is placed in the flask, the edge is pressed tightly against the groin, then a negative pressure is created in the container. The penis is formed by a cavernous body, which consists of a large number of cavities. The greater the volume of their potential, which, when excited, is filled with blood, the larger the erect penis. The tissue is stretched in a vacuum due to increased blood and lymph flow, and when it returns to the normal environment, it returns to its normal state.

The erection pump, by its nature of action, is a kind of drug analogue:quickly stimulate an erection with a single use and improve the function of the cavernous body with a course.If pumping is done regularly, then gradually the contraction of the tissues becomes incomplete, they stretch.. This is the goal of most men exercising with passion.

The degree of stretching of the penis is limited by the so-called tunic(this term is often found on the forums of NUPers, devotees of natural penis enlargement). This is a protein membrane that covers the cave body. The tunic is necessary to maintain an erection - it compresses the penile veins and prevents blood from flowing out.Without stretching the fibers of the tunic, it is impossible to increase the size of the penis. The effectiveness of training depends on its density and the number of layers. These parameters are individual for each man.

Types of pumps, pros and cons

With the nature of the work environment affecting members,pumps are classified into vacuum and water. In the first case, air is used. Types of vacuum pumps:

  1. On manual control. As an air blower - rubber pear or lever. A pressure gauge and relief valve are provided for pressure control;
  2. On autopilot. Negative pressure is created in the pump automatically;
  3. vibrate.

Advantages of vacuum magnifiers:

  • Enlargement of the penis and increased erection by increasing the blood flow in the penis;
  • Affordable, unlike hydro pumps and penis enlargement surgery.


  • Possible side effects of training: bruises, brown spots. All this is the result of microtrauma and capillary rupture from excessive exposure to the device;
  • With prolonged improper use, members may lose sensitivity.

Hydro pumps use warm water as a working medium. The more it flows from the flask, the more the penis "pulls".There are 3 types of water pumps:

  • Classic. One end of the flask goes into a corrugation, which is pressed against the groin and acts as a pump: when pressed, water flows through a valve at the other end;
  • combined. Water can be drained both with the help of a corrugated cut, and by pressing a pear with a through hole, which is connected by a flexible hose to the other end of the flask;
  • With automatic control.

Hydro pumps are considered the most efficient and safe, but they are several times more expensive than vacuum pumps..In warm water, the possibility of tissue injury is smaller, because the low critical pressure is not created, the penis heats up well.

Some enterprising men buy a vacuum pump with a long cylinder, pour water into it in such a way that the head of the penis is hidden, but the level does not reach the top (water cannot enter the tube). When the air is pumped out, the vacuum air pump starts working according to the principle of water.

How to choose a vacuum pump

When choosing a pump, it is important to consider not only its operating principle, but also its size.The flask should be 5 cm longer (if there is excess weight, another 2 cm added) and 1-2 cm wider than the penis in an upright position.If the pump is supposed to be used to stretch the penis, then you can choose a narrow flask, if the work goes to the circumference, then wider(add 4-6 cm to the circumference of the erect limb). Since the device is marked with a diameter, the value obtained by measuring the circumference of the member should be divided by the number Pi (3. 14).

Pumps with too wide a flask for penis enlargement are useless for the following reasons:

  1. The protein shell does not stretch well, the cave body is not fully engaged.
  2. The member will be flooded with lymph, the foreskin will increase immeasurably.
  3. The skin on the testicles during exercise will pull, which causes serious discomfort.

In a narrow flask, fitted close to the circumference, the head of the penis is exposed to too much force, as a result of which it receives microtrauma. Estimated parameters for pump selection are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Indicative parameters for flask selection

Penis ring (functions to increase volume) Penis ring (functions to increase length) Pump diameter in inches (2. 54 cm in inches)
6-8 8-10 1. 5
8-10 10-12 1. 75
10-12 12-14 2
12-14 14-16 2. 25
14-16 16-18 2. 5
16-18 18-20 2. 75
18-20 20-22 3

With borderline penis parameters, it is better to choose a smaller pump size.

The flask must be strong and transparent, and the rubber part must be elastic.. For permanent penis enlargement, the device will be used frequently, so it is important to buy new components for the pump (pump, pressure gauge, flask, seal).

As for care, after each use, the pump flask is washed with a mild detergent and treated with an antiseptic solution, wiped dry. Knots and ties should be left loose for additional drying. Pumping veterans recommend periodically lubricating the pump with sewing machine oil.

Prices, best models and where to buy

The widest selection of pumps in online sex shops, some models can also be bought in sex shops. The simplest vacuum pump (with a hand pump) for penis enlargement will cost$10. Products with rubber pears -from $35. The cost of an electric pump startsfrom $50. Products from American manufacturers are considered the highest quality. Prices startfrom 150 dollars.

categoryhydro pumppreference is given to products of British manufacturers. Prices varyfrom $180before this$500.

Hydropump for penis enlargement

How to make a DIY penis pump

Making a pump with your own hands, if there are relatively inexpensive options on the market, is impractical. But if there is a desire to do such creativity, then the following materials will be needed:

  • Plastic cylinder (glass may crack). You can adapt baby bottles for this;
  • Flexible tube. Suitable from a dropper;
  • Pear or piston device. As a last resort, you can use a large syringe.

The bottom of the bottle is cut off. On the other side, an incision is made on the side, where the tube is fixed with sealant. The other end of the tube is attached to the nose of the syringe. Homemade pump is ready. You can also make a device from a bicycle compressor or pump.

Homemade pump options

How to enlarge the penis with pumping techniques

There are two methods for penis enlargement with a pump: packaging and classic pumping.Wrapping (translated from English means "wrapping") - work on the length of the penis. For this, a narrow flask is used. This technique is optimal for curved limbs, because in wide flasks the bending angle becomes more pronounced, the length is lost. The penis, when inserted into a narrow flask, must be lubricated.

With classic pumping, the emphasis is on increasing the volume of the penis, a wide flask is used. Between sets, you can do exercises to push through the spongy body that surrounds the urethra (more on that below).


You can start the class only after a preliminary study of the instructions for the pump. It is necessary to prepare in advance a lubricant (not oil-based), which will serve as a seal when pressing the rim of the flask to the groin.

  • Warming up is the first step.. Before being inserted into the cylinder, the penis must be heated with steam or warm water for 5-10 minutes.
  • Second stage - jelq (jelqing) - penis enlargement technique. This procedure is performed on semi-erect organs. The technique is simple: the penis is grasped at the base ("OK-grab" - a ring formed by the thumb and forefinger), then the ring with light pressure moves towards the head for at least 3 seconds, and the second hand immediately takes over. Before using the pump, the penis can be kneaded with any of the many jelq techniques. 50-100 repetitions are enough.
  • The third stage is the placement of the semi-erect penis in the pump flask. First you need to apply lubricant to the pubis (do not touch the scrotum) and the base of the bulbous cuff, which is then gently pressed into the skin of the groin (it is better to remove the hair first - it interferes with the seal. ). Make a few strokes with the pump and check for leaks.

For implementationpush up spongy body exerciseyou need to pull the foreskin towards you as much as possible, then put your thumb at the base above, and the rest down, practically deepening it into the scrotum. In this area, there is a notch between the corpora cavernosa, where you can feel the urethra located in the middle. Then you need to squeeze the penis strongly (so that the lower fingers "sink", try to touch the upper part), slowly pull towards the head. When moving backwards, the grip is a little weak. Repeat 10-15 times.

Advanced pumpers recommend performing the procedure in several short approaches, alternating with jelq. Regular massage will prevent the accumulation of lymph under the skin of the penis ("donut effect", "lips").In the first 2 months, it is enough to do 3 sets of 15 minutes each, between them - 1 minute jelq. Intermediate users switch to 20-30 minute sets.

When using the pump for the first time, it is important to feel how the regulator behaves:the pressure is carefully adjusted to a maximum of 3 inches of mercury, then the sensation is heard. After 10 minutes, you can pump the pressure by 1-2 units, hold for 5 minutes, let the air in and remove the pump. Lubricate and "milk" with jelq. In the second and third approaches, the working pressure increases by 1 and 2 units, respectively.(only if it's comfortable).The procedure ends with jelcom(50-100 repetitions) and lubricate the limb with ointment against bruises. A new session the next day starts from the previous stage.

The optimal pumping time is 15 minutes.(regardless of skill level). Penile tissue in the interval is saturated with oxygen, the risk of necrosis is reduced.

The optimal pressure in the pump according to "veterans" is 2-4 HgAnd not just for beginners. Some try to raise it until the corresponding sensation appears in the penis, but such measures can stop growth. Doctor's opinion: a pressure of more than 5 Hg seriously affects blood circulation and can cause irreversible damage to the structure of the penis. Ultimately, the deciding factor is individual comfort.

The pump training routine is built in such a way that the tissues have time to recover.There should be 2-3 rest days a week. To achieve the best results, pumping can be combined with manual techniques (clamping, stretching with an extender, hanging, juli). All of these exercises are more effective when performed immediately after the pump.

Vacuum Booster Helps Improve Pumping ResultsA loop extender is recommended for use in conjunction with a vacuum pump

According to user reviews, continuous penis enlargement with the correct use of the pump can be achieved after 3-5 years of regular exercise. After about the first 10 months, the length will increase by 2-3 cm, but when you stop exercising, the increase will gradually disappear.

Safety rules and contraindications

The biggest mistake most men make when using a pump isin a hurry. The principle of "more is better" does not work here.You should not exercise longer than the prescribed time and more intensively than the permitted norm. This will not lead to quick results, butThere will be negative consequences:

  • The erection will disappear, it will take a long time to recover;
  • The penis will look "tired";
  • The rupture of blood vessels will lead to the release of blood from the urethra;
  • The skin of the penis will darken, a hematoma will appear on it, including the internal one - and this is pain and a high risk of scarring (will lead to irreversible erectile dysfunction).

If pain or burning occurs during exercise, you need to remove the pump and massage the penis. There should be no discomfort. The penis must be lubricated before being inserted into the pump. You can use nicotine cream.

Pump contraindications:

  • Priapism;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • fragility of blood vessels, atherosclerosis;
  • Inflammatory infectious process in the pelvic region;
  • Use of painkillers.

Before buying a pump, you mustconsult a doctor. Ideally, it is desirable to be tested for infection,check the condition of the penis and the entire small pelvis. Surveys will help identifyhidden problems in the form of blood clots, neoplasms, strictures. All these pathologies will be worse when using a pump.


We've gathered some feedback from the NUPer forum.

  • "I started using a vacuum pump - I like the sensation, but it seems that I exceeded the pressure and time (I did 1. 5-2 hours a day). As a result, the erection disappeared. Recovered only after 2 weeks. This device works, it is indispensable for those whoneed to immediately improve their erection before the date, but it is important not to overdo it.
  • "From three years of pumping experience, I learned the following: 3 sets of 10 minutes are better than 1 and a half hours. The penis increased by 2 cm, erectile problems disappeared and there were no side effects: the color of the penis was normal, it did not turn sharpei.
  • "Pumps from American manufacturers are the best: the pump does not break, the pressure gauge is accurate, the cylinder fits perfectly, the mounting system is free from unnecessary gaskets, seals and other devices that fall and crack. "
  • "Bought a proud British pump. Didn't like it. Reasons: 1 - the korut is too hard (when you press it, you will get a bruise on your pubis), and 2 - you have to deal with such a splendour in the bathroom or in the shower, andthis is not profitable for those who have a counter.


The pump is, first of all, an effective tool to increase the hardness of an erection by training the blood vessels (especially important for middle-aged men). The increase in length and volume of the penis is quite a "side effect", but many strive for this. Training requires patience and time, but is very helpful in achieving results.